I ate Raw veggies and Fried veggies for lunch today.
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Ziua 3 de antrenament la maraton
Ziua 3 de antrenament la maraton
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Podcast Recaps from Aug 6
First in the form of a salad:
and then in the form of chips. Both were delicious in their own way ?
But, I’m going out of buy here, this morning Ben and I went for a walk. It was a gloomy day, but at least it’s not raining anymore!! I guess it rained so much yesterday it brought up a bunch of muck into the little lake near by. The water is sooooo brown.
After our walk about I came home and made pancakes. Whenever I made pancakes I end up making a substantial mess of the kitchen, but I love them so much I would do it everyday if I had the time and ingredients ? Maybe.Toppings included maple syrup, almond butter and a new pumpkin butter. delighted Sunday morning to me ?
I have been wanting to bake for a while, but I haven’t been able to considering that I gave up sweets for Lent (which has been a fail, but is for the best interest of IE and not binging). but – I found a healthy Irish soda bread recipe that wouldn’t be considered a sweet.
I was a little anxious it wouldn’t come out ideal considering that the last time I made brown bread it was just okay. It looks okay, doesn’t it?
It was very dense considering that I used all whole wheat flour. I ended up topping it with pumpkin butter too. It’s not sweet or grainy enough to eat straight up.Other eats from today include the cookies and a small bowl of cereal. I really need to get hold of some fruit! and the “Healthy Highlight” of the day was this Kombucha! Ma simt mai bine deja ? I just wish this stuff wasn’t $4.50 a bottle.
Question: What was your healthy highlight of the weekend? any incredibly healthy eats??
**Yesterday add on: Last night I ended up staying up incredibly late having “heated discussions” with Ben. I ate a grilled cheese sandwich and chips after midnight. and maybe a hot pocket sometime around 11pm… No pics, but mentioning it for my own awareness/accountability.
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